
Monday, February 24, 2014


These are the Earl of Warwick's retinue longbowmnen, 28 tough veterans painted for a customer in America. They are 28mm Frontrank Miniatures and are very nice figures. I wish Frontrank would expand the WOR range a bit though, to include more personalities besides Warwick, Henry Tudor and Richard III. And some more archers and billmen that look a bit more shire levyish, and then some Irish Kerns and Scottish foot. Then some more horses! Its not a criticism of Frontrank, I just like their WOR stuff and want to see more! I have finished are some more pictures.




Tuesday, February 18, 2014


These are 15mm Hussite warwagons made by Museum Miniatures. I mentioned in an earlier post about having to make these for a customer in America (or rather make what was available more Hussitey) and then shortly afterwards Museum Miniatures started making these.
They are just right, no extra work needed. And they were good quality models, easy to construct and paint. I had ten to make in total and to be honest once I had got a system started they only took about an hour to construct, they fitted together so well. Painting them took a bit longer though!

 The crew figures are again a mix of Donnington 'New era' and Essex Miniatures

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Making a change from 28mm Romans I had a commission a while back to paint something from the Biblical period in 15mm. These are chariots belonging to the Mitanni, who occupied an area in Syria and aided the Egyptians against the Hittites; and here they are charging along in a very non DBA/DBM, Field of Glory etc style...what are they thinking of this shouldn't happen on a wargames table!



Friday, February 7, 2014


We say farewell to the Romans for now as I move onto other commissions....but here is a link to the Herts Volunteers wargames club website's battle reports which feature some Romans/Celts I painted and are part of Mick Hoddy's massive collection: Go have a look at what the Romans do best - clobbering the Celts.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


More Romans - this time Legio VIII Augusta. They joined Vespasian's uprising against Vitellius in 69 AD. They had been stationed in Moesia and had answered Otho's call for aid against Vitellius earlier but didn't arrive in time to help. Therefore they were more than willing to join Vespasian in revenge against Vitellius. Their commander at the time was Numisius Lupus and they fought at Cremona.
After the civil wars of 69 they were packed off to Lower Germany and formed part of the army that was gathering to put down the revolt led by Julius Civilis.

 The figures are mostly Foundry except for two plastics chaps by Warlord Games. I think they fit in quite well. Now in the collection of Mick Hoddy, where they made an appearance in the Bedriacum game.