
Saturday, October 31, 2015

28mm Early Imperial Romans

 These are 28mm Wargames Foundry and are the start of my own collection of 28mm Early Imperial Romans. I will probably modify the shields when I have decided what legion they will actually be - either a Roman numeral for the legion number or an appropriate legionary icon/symbol added.
They are based on 60x20 bases, 4 figures to a base. Probably very old fashioned these days. But it gives me flexibility - I can use almost any rules system when they are based like this - because I have a problem in that I can't stick to one rules set. I want to play them all.
I also prefer them on a narrower frontage of 15mm rather than 20mm for these close order troops - I like a good tight shield wall.
So here goes for the start of what will, I hope, be a large collection of Romans. Next unit will be ready in 10 years time. I may still be alive.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

15mm Northern Thracian Noble Cavalry

 Some Pictures of a recently finished commission - 15mm Northern Thracian Noble cavalry, figures are by Xyston Miniatures.
A picture from behind, showing lots of nice horsey bottoms 

 A picture from the rear but slightly to the side, can still see the horsey bottoms. They have tails. Very nice.
....and here they come charging along. I enjoyed painting these chaps.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fag break for an ANZAC

 I know how he feels (I'm sure I don't really). Just finished this figure of an ANZAC at Gallipoli having a well earned rest the other night. He has been sitting in a box of odds and ends awaiting the time when I had time to paint him. I finally got it done!
I'm not even sure where the figure came from - I just found it in a pile of lead.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

15mm Xyston DBA Army sets

Xyston 15mm DBA Army sets are available on the website at 10% discount on normal RRP prices, plus we have an additional 10% discount voucher code - just use the code SID1 when checking out. Voucher code runs from 23rd October to 1st November.

This will give a total discount of 20% from RRP prices!!

Don't miss out, the voucher code applies to all products in the website shop:

Perry Plastics

Warlord Games

Xyston DBA armies

Victrix Miniatures - Napoleonic and Ancient

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Website News Information Error

Hi all
Just a quick post regarding a bit of a booboo I made regarding the website - I have been posting news that we have a sale on of the Warlord Games plastic infantry and Perry Plastic box sets, and then re-posting these posts that also state there is a 10% discount code. I should have updated the posts as that offer ended 18th October. Apologies for any confusion caused.
The person responsible for this has been sacked and replaced by Sid the Monkey who has decided to compensate everybody by running another 10% off voucher scheme.
This offer runs from today (23rd October) until Sunday 1st November.

Just enter the code SID1 to get 10% off in the website shop.

Something Different

 And now for something completely different... Warhammer 40K. A Dark Angels tactical squad, with enough firepower to make the chainsaw superfluous. I actually painted these for my 11 year old daughter as a Christmas present last December, and no I didn't charge her for the commission. I had arranged to drop off some figures to a customer at the big Games Workshop shop in Nottingham - the place where you can hire tables to play, Warhammer World I think it is called. My daughter came with me and she spotted the Dark Vengeance 40K starter set in the shop, and asked for it for Christmas. This was because most of her school friends (girls and boys) were playing Warhammer at school. Getting back home, with an empty wallet, I thought I would paint the whole set for her ready for Xmas day.
 Needless to say, her collection has grown and she has started painting her own figures, very nicely in fact.  And of course I have my own growing collection as we continue our arms race to gain a winning advantage over each other because we have started playing the odd battle or two at home when time permits. I was doing well with a devastator squad but now Nicole has a tank and a hover thingy gunship so I am going to get squished in the next game...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

15mm Carthaginian Veterans

Carthaginian Veteran infantry belonging to Hannibal the Cannibal for his destruction of Rome.
Now available on the website as a painted unit.
The figures are by Xyston Miniatures.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Special Offer on Bolt Action Infantry Box Sets (Plastic)

Another special offer from Hart of War -this time on the Bolt Action Plastic figures sets from Warlord Games.

The following box sets are now reduced to £19.00! (Price includes VAT)

visit and check out the offers page.
Offer ends this evening!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

10% Discount on Hart of War Website!

To Celebrate the launch of Hart of War's website we are offering a 10% discount on any products purchased from the website shop.

We currently stock products from Warlord Games, Perry Miniatures (plastic box sets) Victrix and Xyston.

Just use the voucher code HOW1 when ordering to receive 10% off your purchase. Pass this code on to your friends to use!

No minimum spend. Offer runs from now until 18th October!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

15mm Khurrasan Miniatures Romans

These are 15mm Imperial Romans made by Khurasan Miniatures in America, and I really love them. They are from the period of the reign of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, generally mid to late 2nd Century AD. This unit was painted for a customer in America, but I will definitely be getting some for myself. I like this period of the Roman Empire, especially the civil wars of Severus, Pescinnius Niger and Albinus. These figure will be perfect, as they look suitably 'provincial' for Severus' Danubian legions - nice beards. Scary looking for when they enter Rome! They come with a choice of sword or pilum. The shield is flat but can be easily 'curved' to suit with wooden dowling (or thick paint brush handle lol) and a soft tap - I used the soft handle of my pliers. Even better I may substitute the auxilliary type shield instead, as legionary shields were becoming more oval in design by the time of Severus.
I have viewed the Auxilliaries on the Khurasan site and they look good too.