
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Companion Hoplites

28mm Companion Hoplites - allies of the Romans or the Carthaginians depending on who is winning I guess. I need to get stuck into the Carthaginian units for this commission! There are lots of them to do - just not enough hours in the day, even for a full time professional painter...

Saturday, January 23, 2016

15mm Ancient Scythians and Thracians

Lots of pictures of some recent 15mm work (from last year!). Scythians and Thracians all riding lovely looking horses.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

15mm Thracians

15mm Thracians looking menacing with their romphaie (or however that is spelt)
I didn't go too over the top with the colours. Colourful but with an earthy look. I'm not sure if they would go to war in their Sunday best, but they would like to look good for the battle.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

 Happy 2016 to everyone! Here are some pictures of 28mm Samnites from a commission completed in November 2015.