
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Painted Xyston Athenian 15mm DBA Army

It seems ages ago now since I put some pictures up of the 15mm Spartan DBA army, and I remember planning to put some of their opponents on the blog. But then I went rambling on about other things - I guess that's why this site is called The Ramblings of a Figure Painter.
These are the 15mm Athenians, the complete DBA army with all optional elements. Figures are by Xyston Miniatures. Drop us an email to commission an Athenian DBA army (or anything else that you would like painting).

Above are the Athenians fully assembled for battle, with a rather grumpy looking general. Either his hoplites are not obeying their orders or he's facing the Spartans again...I know how he feels...
Here are some of the elements contained in the army:


The Hoplites

Peltasts, Cavalry and Light Horse.

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