
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

28mm Foundry Napoleonics British 28th Foot

I was busily in the midst of another very large Lord of the Rings commission and needed a little break from wizards, trolls and such like...I was looking through some old boxes of figures and found these fellows. A drummer and NCO from Wargames Foundry painted as the 28th Foot. They had been painted years ago and just needed rebasing.
I think the 28th must be one of my favourite regiments as I always seem to end up painting them, they seem to get in on every campaign/war. The 28th are well known for their action at Alexandria in Egypt...they were attacked to front and rear by enemy cavalry and their colonel calmly gave the order "28th, rear rank only, right about face" and the regiment repelled the enemy on both sides.
Well that's my break over - back to painting more LOTR baddies... somebody has to stop Frodo Baggins!

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