
Thursday, October 9, 2014


This is a British brigade painted for Mick Hoddy of Herts Volunteers Wargames Club, for their AWI campaign which begins in December. They will be using the popular Black Powder set of rules, which has recently released an AWI supplement.
This brigade has two infantry regiments (3rd East Kents and 23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers - the grenadier and light companies have been detached to form separate units which was a common practice at the time much to the disgust of regimental commanders who lost their best troops!) a gun battery and attached Indian scouts.
 Above: The brigade artillery; the crew are based separately and the gun can be removed from the base. Foundry gun and crew.
3rd East Kents - Foundry figures

Drummer from the 3rd - he's lost his regiment.
23rd Royal Welch Fusiliers - I know the head gear is not right, though some sources are not too sure what the regiment was wearing when it got to America. Foundry figures - and as they were designed by the Perry's they fit in well with the Perry Miniatures AWI range.

Above and below - the detached light companies from the 3rd and 23rd Regiments. The 23rd's Lights have had plumes added with green stuff!

The detached Grenadier Companies.
 The brigade commander and his staff.

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