
Sunday, November 16, 2014


I mentioned in a previous post about a new set of rules being released - "Land of the Free" published by Osprey. They were written by Joe Krone who had commissioned Hart of War to paint some 15mm French/Indian War figures to illustrate the book. Joe has kindly sent me some pictures of a playtest of the rules he had organised, so I thought it would be nice to post some of the pics here as not all of them appear in the book. The rules cover the wars in North America - the country's struggle for independence - from the French Indian Wars to the 1812 war with Britain. They also cover everything in between such as the wars with the Indians.
The pictures here cover a French/Indian Wars battle. Thanks to Joe Krone for supplying the pictures. The figures are now in the collection of Kevin Krause.
The more observant will notice that the French are using British guns and the British gun crews are using those of the French - not Hart of War's fault, the guns were not glued to the bases so I think Joe mixed them up when setting the game up!


  1. Wow, very nice - a large F&IW battle with superbly painted figures.

  2. Very nice pictures and miniatures. Well done!

  3. Phil, great painting as ever & what a fantastic recognition for you to have your work used in the book - well deserved :)
